In this episode, Subaru Forester takes Yu Tsai and his guest to the Southwest Coast of Taiwan, Chiayi County. He explores the Jounan Salt Flats, learns the centuries old process of drying salt, and tastes the local salt dried dishes.
Yu Tsai
Celebrity Photographer
Yu Tsai
Celebrity Photographer
In this episode, Subaru Forester takes Yu Tsai and his guest to the Southwest Coast of Taiwan, Chiayi County. He explores the Jounan Salt Flats, learns the centuries old process of drying salt, and tastes the local salt dried dishes. Watch the adventure!
街是美食 台南
這一集,我們將拜訪‘為保存家傳美食和信念’而付出心力的朋友們. 我將遇到一個努力讓‘古早味甜點’繼續飄香的年輕人. 也會和對美食充滿熱情的劉雨樵一起,販賣他阿嫲傳下的糯米糕. 還會和李詠嫻一起拜訪傳承5代的舊式餅鋪. 並和Hugo一起共用下午茶,聽他說說怎麼為家傳老店 增添新意!
Go behind-the-scenes with Yu Tsai as he visits his favorite street vendors in Taiwan.
Experience the journey in these photo galleries
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 6 Taipei & Keelung
街是美食 亞洲 第六集:台北和基隆
12 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 6 with Anita Hsu
街是美食 亞洲 第六集:特別來賓 Anita 御姊愛
6 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 5 Taipei
街是美食 亞洲 第五集:台北
19 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 5 with Mia Sabathy
街是美食 亞洲 第五集:特別來賓 Mia Sabathy
7 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 4 MiaoLi
街是美食 亞洲 第四集:苗栗
16 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 4 with Gigi Lin
街是美食 亞洲 第四集:特別來賓 Gigi 林
5 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 3 Taichung
街是美食 亞洲 第三集:台中
17 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 3 with Soac Liu
街是美食 亞洲 第三集:特別來賓 Soac
5 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 2 SW Coast
街是美食 亞洲 第二集:西南海岸
15 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 2 with Liz Kao
街是美食 亞洲 第二集:特別來賓高琹雯
9 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 1 Tainan
街是美食 亞洲 第一集:台南
13 photos
Street To Kitchen Asia: Ep 1 with Jackie Lee
街是美食 亞洲:第一集與李詠嫻
9 photos
Behind the Scenes Street
7 photos
Behind the Scenes Kitchen
5 photos
Get your hands dirty in the Kitchen!
Pickled Vegetables 泡菜
Fried Sweet Potato Balls 炸地瓜球
Bao Burger 包漢堡
Sesame Oil Chicken Soup 麻油雞湯
Tea Smoked Duck Breast 茶香熏鴨
Taiwanese Egg Pancake 台灣蛋餅
Popcorn Chicken and Waffles with Ice Cream 椒鹽雞塊鬆餅冰淇淋
Salt Crusted Baked Red Snapper 鹽山烤魚
Taiwanese Oyster Omelet 台灣蚵仔煎
Volcano Sticky Rice 多層火山油飯
Shredded Pork with 5 Spice Tofu 香干肉絲
Shrimp Fried Rice 蝦仁蛋炒飯
Kung Pao Chicken 宮保雞丁
Twice Cooked Pork 回鍋肉
Stir Fried Long Beans 乾煸長豆角
Salt and Pepper Shrimp 鹽酥蝦
Chinese Cucumber Salad 涼拌小黃瓜
Pan Fried Pork Dumplings / Potstickers 高麗菜豬肉鍋貼
Taiwanese Pan-Fried Pork Chops 煎豬排
Chicken Bok Choy 雞胸肉炒白菜
Soy Sauce Eggs 滷溏心蛋
Minced Pork Rice 滷肉飯
Zha Jiang Mian 炸醬麵
3 Cup Chicken 三杯雞
Braised Pork Belly 紅燒肉
Gua Bao 刈包